Source code for armine.armine

from itertools import chain
from beautifultable import BeautifulTable

from .utils import get_subsets
from .rule import AssociationRule
import math

[docs]class ARM(object): """Utility class for Association Rule Mining. This class provides methods to generate a set of Association rules from a transactional dataset. """ def __init__(self): self._dataset = [] self._rules = [] self._itemcounts = {} self.set_rule_key(lambda rule: (rule.lift, rule.confidence, len(rule.antecedent))) self._apparent_support_threshold = None self._apparent_confidence_threshold = None self._apparent_coverage_threshold = None self._real_support_threshold = math.inf self._real_confidence_threshold = math.inf self._real_coverage_threshold = math.inf @property def rules(self): """Get a list of rules generated using the loaded dataset.""" import itertools return list(itertools.filterfalse( lambda rule: (self._apparent_support_threshold > rule.coverage or self._apparent_confidence_threshold > rule.confidence), self._rules)) @property def support_threshold(self): return self._apparent_support_threshold @property def confidence_threshold(self): return self._apparent_confidence_threshold @property def coverage_threshold(self): return self._apparent_coverage_threhold
[docs] def load(self, data): """Load a set of transactions from a Iterable of lists. Parameters ---------- data : Iterable of lists List of transactions """ self._clear() for row in data: self._dataset.append(list(row))
[docs] def load_from_csv(self, filename): """Load a set of transactions from a csv file. Parameters ---------- filename : string Name of the csv file which contains a set of transactions """ self._clear() import csv with open(filename) as csvfile: mycsv = csv.reader(csvfile) for row in mycsv: self._dataset.append(row)
[docs] def set_rule_key(self, key): """Set the key function which should be used to sort rules. The default key function sorts rules using lift, confidence and size of antecedent respectively. This behaviour can be changed using this method. Parameters ---------- key : function The key function to sort rules """ self._rule_key = key
def _clear(self): self._dataset = [] self._rules = [] self._itemcounts = {} def _clean_items(self, items): return tuple(items) def _get_itemcount(self, items): try: return self._itemcounts[tuple(set(items))] except KeyError: pass count = 0 for data in self._dataset: found = True for item in items: if item not in data: found = False break if found: count += 1 return count def _get_initial_itemset(self): itemset = [] items = set(chain(*self._dataset)) for item in items: itemset.append([item]) return sorted(itemset) def _should_join_candidate(self, candidate1, candidate2): for i in range(len(candidate1) - 1): if candidate1[i] != candidate2[i]: return False if candidate1[-1] != candidate2[-1]: return True return False def _get_nextgen_itemset(self, itemset): new_items = [] for i, _ in enumerate(itemset): for j in range(i, len(itemset)): if self._should_join_candidate(itemset[i], itemset[j]): new_items.append(sorted(set(itemset[i]).union(itemset[j]))) return new_items def _prune_itemset(self, itemset): to_be_pruned = [] for items in itemset: item_count = self._get_itemcount(items) item_support = round(item_count / len(self._dataset), 3) if item_support < self._real_support_threshold: to_be_pruned.append(items) for items in to_be_pruned: itemset.remove(items) def _prune_rules(self): pruned_rules = [] data_cover_count = [0] * len(self._dataset) for rule in self._rules: rule_add = False for i, data in enumerate(self._dataset): items = self._clean_items(data) if (rule.match_antecedent(items) and data_cover_count[i] >= 0): rule_add = True data_cover_count[i] += 1 if data_cover_count[i] >= self._real_coverage_threshold: data_cover_count[i] = -1 if rule_add: pruned_rules.append(rule) self._rules = pruned_rules def _print_items(self): for item, count in self._itemcounts.items(): print(item, count) def _generate_rules(self, itemset): for items in itemset: subsets = get_subsets(items) for element in subsets: remain = set(items).difference(set(element)) if len(remain) > 0: count_lhs = self._get_itemcount(element) count_rhs = self._get_itemcount(remain) count_both = self._get_itemcount(items) rule = AssociationRule(tuple(element), tuple(remain), count_both, count_lhs, count_rhs, len(self._dataset)) if (rule.confidence >= self._real_confidence_threshold): self._rules.append(rule)
[docs] def print_rules(self, attributes=('coverage', 'confidence', 'lift')): """Print the generated rules in a tabular format. Parameters ---------- attributes : array_like pass """ table = BeautifulTable() table.column_headers = (['Antecedent', 'Consequent'] + list(attr.replace('_', ' ').title() for attr in attributes)) table.column_alignments[0] = table.ALIGN_LEFT table.column_alignments[1] = table.ALIGN_LEFT for rule in self.rules: table.append_row([rule.antecedent2str(), rule.consequent2str()] + list(getattr(rule, attr) for attr in attributes)) print(table)
def _learn(self, support_threshold, confidence_threshold, coverage_threshold): self._apparent_support_threshold = support_threshold self._apparent_confidence_threshold = confidence_threshold self._apparent_coverage_threshold = coverage_threshold self._real_support_threshold = support_threshold self._real_confidence_threshold = confidence_threshold self._real_coverage_threshold = coverage_threshold itemset = self._get_initial_itemset() self._rules = [] while len(itemset) > 0: self._prune_itemset(itemset) self._generate_rules(itemset) itemset = self._get_nextgen_itemset(itemset) self._rules = list(set(self._rules)) self._prune_rules() self._rules.sort(key=self._rule_key, reverse=True)
[docs] def learn(self, support_threshold, confidence_threshold, coverage_threshold=20): """Generate Association rules from the Training dataset. Parameters ---------- support_threshold : float User defined threshold between 0 and 1. Rules with support less than `support_threshold` are not generated. confidence_threshold : float User defined threshold between 0 and 1. Rules with confidence less than `confidence_threshold` are not generated. coverage_threshold : int Maximum number of rules, a specific transaction can match. After it exceeds this, That row is no longer considered for matching other rules. Using this process all rules are removed, which do not match any transaction left(Default 20). """ if (support_threshold < self._real_support_threshold or confidence_threshold < self._real_confidence_threshold or coverage_threshold != self._real_coverage_threshold): self._learn(support_threshold, confidence_threshold, coverage_threshold) self._apparent_support_threshold = support_threshold self._apparent_confidence_threshold = confidence_threshold self._apparent_coverage_threshold = coverage_threshold